Let’s be real. Walt Disney World and Disneyland are popular places (and for good reason)! Even if you use every strategy in the book (check out my How to Avoid Lines blog post here) at some point you will do your share of waiting in line. I’m sorry, but it’s inevitable. You may end up waiting for a show, for a ride, or your dinner reservation.

I want you to be prepared for that wait; especially if you have kids with you! Below you will see a variety of ways that you can pass the time while waiting in line!
Look for hidden Mickeys.
Disney Imagineers (the awesome people who create magic in the parks) have hidden Mickeys all over the place. See if your kiddos can find any while they wait in line!
Look at Your Surroundings
Many of the rides at Walt Disney World and Disneyland have objects people can touch, look at, or read while standing in line. They did this to help entertain you, so please take advantage of this!

20 questions
To play this game one player thinks of a person, place, or thing and keeps it to themselves. The other players have 20 total yes/no questions they can ask to help them guess what the first person is thinking.
Statue-Disney style
Have your kids choose a favorite Disney character and pose like them. Then see how long they can hold the pose! To make things more interesting you could time them and offer fun Disney treats as prizes! This game is just for fun, so I would recommend giving everyone a prize to avoid any meltdowns!
Math Style Rock Paper Scissors
To play this game kids will start by putting their fist to their palm three times just like they would with traditional rock, paper scissors. Instead of throwing a rock, paper, or scissors the kids put a number on their fingers (0-10). For younger kids, the goal of the game is for the kids to look at their hands and decide who put out the larger number. This person wins the round. For older kids, they can either add, subtract, or multiply the numbers thrown out. The person who gets the right answer first wins the round.
Hodgy Podgy
This is a fun storytelling game! One player will say just one word and the next player will add to the story by saying one more word. The process will continue with all players adding one word until the story has been completed. For some extra magic make the stories Disney themed!
One player will think of a sentence and whisper it to the person next to them one time only. This player will then whisper it to the next person, etc. The last person will say the sentence out loud and see how it may have gotten twisted in the telephone!
ABC Scavenger Hunt
Have your kids look for things around them that start with every letter of the alphabet.
Disney ABC game
Work together as a team to think of a Disney character for every letter of the alphabet!
Take advantage of the games on you’re My Disney Experience App.

Play heads up on your smartphone.
Make up a secret Disney handshake!
Simon Says
Tell your kids to do various things. They can only do it if you say Simon Says. If they move when you don’t say Simon Says they are out!
Talk about what you are looking forward to most, or reminisce about your favorites so far!
Eat in line! Take care of two things at one time and eat lunch or snacks while you wait in line. Please do keep in mind that some attractions may not let you bring your food/drink past a certain point. (Currently, due to the pandemic no attractions allow you to eat in line.)
Stay up to date on your My Disney Experience App
Waiting in line is a good time to check your app and see if any new fast pass times have become available!
I know waiting in line is something that many people dread, but it doesn’t always have to be negative. Take advantage of this time you get to spend together as a family. Talk, laugh, play some games, and take in all of your surroundings in the happiest place on Earth! I hope some of these ideas can help you pass the time you may have to spend waiting in line!